Terms of Service


Information on this Web site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Information may get updated / changed without notice. 

We may also make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this information at any time without notice.

Offers / Price are getting changed based on seasons and market situations. Always check details at the time of placing the order. We reserve the right to withdraw any offer without notice.

Products sold on the web site are having perishable nature. Most of them are made without use of preservatives. The expiry mentioned on the product is the maximum shelf life of the product in the standard condition. Store it in a clean & dry glass container in cool and dark place. Refrigeration is not required unless and otherwise it is mentioned.

We follow standard procedure for manufacturing, most of the process is handmade. We use best quality ingredients to make the products. The taste, colour of the products may change little.  

It is always advisable to utilise the products at the earliest possible.